Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Blog, New Lives

Soo I have decided, because I need to keep up with dates, happenings, and photos, I need a new baby blog! Since I am into my 18th week I guess I need to update the blog to this point of the pg..

2009- Finished treatments to help level out my thyroid hormones and make it possible to get pg in the next year..or longer so I thought..

Jan 8th, 2010- Took three homes pg tests, all of which were pos within secs of urinating on them..A sign I later find out should have been a hint of things to come..

Jan 10th- Showed Brandon the pos pg tests and bawled me eyes out! Then had to tell Shannon, but she already guessed it before I could open my mouth..

Feb 16th- 1st OB appt with Dr.Thomas at Womens and Childrens..Brandon had class and I was told no u/s until later appts so there was no real reason for him to skip class to go with me..Uterus was 'measuring large' for 10 wks, so they decided to do an u/s to see if I was further along then I had told them..Which I knew was impossible, so I figured something was wrong..They did an interal u/s (which is not pleasant!) and I saw something strange..A few secs later the u/s tech asks if I am ready for big news..I said "OMG I am having twins aren't I?" She then confirmed..The home pg tests showed up so quickly because my levels were double..Shannon and Brandon had been joking about it for wks now and I really didn't expect to ever see two babies on that screen..I freaked..Didn't know what to do..Brandon had to work right after class and there was no way I could drive or function without telling him..He was in class so I txted him the u/s pic..(I know I suck but what was I spos to do?)..I run right to Shannons house to show her the u/s pics and vent..Then I called mom and told her I was pg..with TWINS!! She was speakless at first, said She guessed I was happy and got off the phone..I was crushed for about 10 mins, but she called back..She was in shock and didn't know what to say..Which we all were..Brandon just kept saying for wks, "Babe..we are having two..double everything! Two..more then one..What if there is another one?"

Feb 28th- Mom and Shea were in Columbus, OH for a cheer comp and Brandon and I decided to visit them since they were so close..I was about 12 wks along at this point and had my 1st u/s pics for mom to see..I had just started to show and my m/s was in full swing..I wanted to vomit every five secs and sometimes I did..By this time we had told almost all of out family, I believe. Dad was surprised but seemed excited..Named them God and Batman.. Popaw Norman hasn't been so excited since his own children were born..Dee, of course, freaked out and starting buying stuff..Popaw Shook is overwhelmed that Ashley and I both are having babies within a few months of each other..Brandons family was very excited as well..Curtis more then anyone..Nick wants us to name them after KISS members..All around good responses!

March 10th- 2nd OB appt at about 13wks and the first for Brandon to go to..I was scared they wouldn't do an u/s, but since I am high risk I get one every time!! He got to hear the heartbeats and see them moving around on the screen..It was a priceless moment we shared!

March 23rd- Since I would be HUGE on our planned october wedding date, we decided to move it up a bit..On our way to FL for spring break we stopped in Sunset Beach where we vacationed together this past summer..It was a beautiful beach wedding and I couldn't have planned it better myself!..I have the greatest hubby in the world! All of my dreams are coming true! I was about 15wks at that point and showing quite a bit..We stayed with mom and Shea that night and went baby shopping the next day..It wa a great week!

April 2nd- 3rd OB appt at 16wks, and we are having...a BOY and a GIRL!! They saw the girl first and Brandon had a fear in his eyes that he was going to be stuck with a house of girls, but then we saw the lil pee pee and he was relieved a bit..I was soo excited..It is what I have always wanted!

So thats a small part of our last few months..

A few days ago I started felling more movement..They love to move right when I want to go to sleep..Of course!..

My stomach and uterus are getting soo big and I am not sure how it is going to get much larger..It hurts! I lost weight b/c of my m/s but I have gained that back now and am working on more..Stomachs measuring at about 40in today at 18wks..Only halfway there and I am bursting..

Brandon has been AMAZING!! Waiting on me hand and foot..Working, going to school, cleaning, cooking, etc..I am worthless right now!..He rubs my feet and lotion all over me, which is helpful now that moving certain ways is starting to hurt..He is soo cute when he talks to my stomach, makes me fall in love with him a little more everytime..

I have to keep up with this stuff or I will forget it by the time they are here!

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